Following the news that the FIA are looking to introduce Formula 3 Light for national level F3, the EuroFormula Open championship could become one of the series’ that adopt the new moniker.
The former Spanish Formula 3 and European F3 Open series lost the right to use the Formula 3 name back in 2014 when the FIA mandated that series’ would only be able to use the name if it complied with FIA Formula 3 engine regulations.
But the FIA could allow EuroFormula Open to revert to a Formula 3 Light status, and thus resuming the F3 moniker once more.
“Jesus [Pareja, boss of series promoter GT Sport] could be a good player for us, a South Europe F3 Light perhaps, why not?” said Frederic Bertrand, the FIA’s head of circuit championships. “He’s doing a really good job. So it would be up to him to win the tender if he wants this.
“I really hope that we can create a big family [for F3 Light]. I think that today, if you look at the market, you wouldn’t have to create a new championship, just transform existing ones everywhere. I think the target for us is to create a big family, and not have anyone outside.
“If we identify a series that we think would be a good candidate, we will do our best to get their interest to tender.
“The local guys know their markets better than us in Geneva. On the other side, we need people to respect our conditions. That is the question mark. But this is the job we have in front of us for the next eight months, to start things up for 2017.
“I think we’ll be able to start a few in 2017 – we had some requests for this year and we postponed to 2017.”