Dr Colin Kolles
Team Principal
“In the morning session, Sakon Yamamoto did some aero testings in order to find the optimal adjustment for the race here in Monza. Later in practice two, he had to stop due to a gearbox failure. Bruno Senna had a problem with the fuel system and we changed some relevant parts between both sessions. Unfortunately, the same problem appeared again in the afternoon and now we have to define it exactly as it was not possible to do because of the short time between the sessions. We are analyzing the data to be prepared for tomorrow.”
Sakon Yamamoto
“We couldn't get as much mileage and data as usual in both sessions today, unfortuntely. But with this knowledge we got, we have to work on a good set-up for qualifying and the race. “
First Practice Session: 24th (17 laps), 1.29.870
Second Practice Session: 23rd (5 laps), 1.29.498
Bruno Senna
“Unfortunately, we didn't do many laps today due to a problem with the fuel system in both sessions. But we are already working to get it all sorted out and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for us.”
First Practice Session: 22nd (8 laps), 1.28.256
Second Practice Session: 24th (3 laps), no time