is proud to announce you can now read our articles on the Kindle.
We all know someone who has one or who was given one by Santa this year so we decided to make our content available to Kindle users.
All you have to do is head to the store on your Kindle and search for (make sure it’s the full name – e.g. no spaces) in the blog section. Once you have tracked us down you will be able to subscribe to us and get the latest news delivered directly to your Kindle.
TCF Editor-in-Chief Vince Pettit said: “We are always looking for new ways for people to view our articles and the Kindle seems like the ideal platform for people who maybe don’t want to be stuck in front of a computer reading.”
We will be looking in to dedicated editions of TCF for Kindle so if you are a two wheeled fan you will only get the latest motorcycle news but for now we would like to hear your thoughts on the latest way to receive our articles.