Eager Speedworks Delighted With Pembrey Test

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Speedworks Motorsport believe Snetterton could be the start of a strong second-half of the season after a successful test at Pembrey.

Adam Morgan and the returning Tony Hughes were joined by Paul O'Neill – who filled in for the team at Croft – enjoyed an extensive and productive two days in Wales and team boss Christian Dick was delighted with the results.

“It went absolutely 100 per cent according to plan,” he said. “We had quite a schedule planned out for the two days that we were down there, a lot to cram in, and a lot of data collection for the engineers to go through, and they achieved everything that they wanted.

“We have definitely taken a bit of a step forward. Hopefully by the time that we get through all the data that we have gathered then we can make an even bigger step forward. Paul, Adam and Tony were all very happy with the changes that we made.”

Morgan, who is eager to escape the “danger zone” of the midfield with stronger qualifying showings, praised the workload carried out and the input of the experienced O'Neill.

He said: “It was the most productive test we've had this year in terms of set-up and going in the direction we want. Between us we got loads done and it was a great way to get back up to speed.

“It's great to work with Paul, who's been doing this sort of thing for so many years; his experience really shows and is a massive help.”

Hughes made way for O'Neill in Yorkshire but will be back in the Hughes Safety Showers Avensis this weekend. He says the atmosphere has changed for the better after their time in Wales.

“Everyone around the team is positive as we look towards Snetterton following our successful test at Pembrey,” he says. “We took some big steps. It was a very productive test and great to have Paul involved.

“We've put time into set-up which should help us hugely, plus it was good to keep off those cobwebs.”

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