Claire Williams, deputy team principal of Williams Martini Racing, believes that their position in the middle ground of team budgets would help them thrive should a budget cap be introduced; the team currently operate on a budget of around one-third of Scuderia Ferrari.
The initiative, previously batted around by Max Mosley in an attempt to attract new competitors, had been all but silenced. But McLaren Honda Formula One Team‘s new executive director Zak Brown re-instigated interest when expressing his support for the regulation last month, support echoed by Williams. And with Liberty Media vocal in their notion of a more equal distribution of finances between the teams, it is a topic that will surely be raised over the coming season.
“Liberty have talked about trying to bring distribution of income to a much more equitable level in order to make sure we have a sport that thrives and is sustainable into the future,” said Williams at the SPOBIS summit in Germany.
“For us in the middle, it gives us quite an exciting future because if they do bring about a more equitable distribution of income, obviously we will benefit from that.
“We are a team that is able to thrive at that mid-range whereas bigger teams might have to compress what they do, maybe make people redundant if they put a cap on the number of employees or put a cap on spending through budget caps.
“So we’re looking forward to getting round the table and having those competitions.”