The Canadian Cowboy, Steve Arpin has announced that he will run the Hyundai i20 in collaboration between Loenbro Motorsports and GRX Gronholm for the 2021 Nitro Rallycross Season.
Arpin, a long-time competitor behind the wheel of a Ford, announced on Tuesday that he would be entering competition with a Hyundai instead of his former Fiesta. The change marks for a newer and more successful car as GRX has been running the cars in the FIA World Rallycross for the past two years with some success.
Arpin seems ecstatic about his new partnership stating, “I’m pumped to have been able to put this partnership together with GRX! As with everything we do, it’s all about the people.
Those people seem to be the top minds of GRX Gronholm, like that of Jussi Pinomäki, the team principal. Having such a good relationship with Arpin aided in the decision for the two to join forces for the season.
“Since I first worked with Steve not only has he become one of the top drivers in rallycross, but he has developed a similar passion for the sport to the feeling we have at GRX.”
As the season draws nearer for Loenbro, it will remain to be seen if a second car joins the team such as in past seasons having the likes of Ken Block and Travis Pecoy. For now, it seems the team is focused on its best outing yet ahead of the season opener at Utah Motorsports Campus on 24/25 September this fall.